As I am always looking for inspiring messages to listen to, watch and learn from…I came across the amazing Arianna Huffington. A Greek-American author, columnist, president, editor-in-chief, and founder of the Huffington Post…a news and blog site that is widely read.
She has been named in Time Magazine’s list of the world’s 100 most influential people and the Forbes Most Powerful Women list. Go Arianna!!! Talk about girl (or should I say…woman) power.
Arianna has money power and phenomenal business success…and now she has become a champion for a more holistic approach to maintain and support that success. She is redefining what it means to be successful in today’s world. And by no means has she had it easy…she has faced challenges…just like the rest of us.
Seven years ago, Arianna collapsed from exhaustion and burnout. This...she says, was the wake-up call she needed, to make some positive changes in her life
Arianna talks about how the critical mass has crystallised…in other words the tipping point has occurred…we are becoming more mindful….and meditation is no longer flakey…it’s now mainstream.
Not only is Arianna successful (in all areas of her life)…she is darn funny too! I love the way she said in her speech at the Wisdom 2.0 Conference…
”CEO after CEO, are now coming out…not as gay, but as meditators!”
Halelujah…looks like the world is in for some great change.
She explains how money and power, can create casualties of – addiction, heart attack and depression. And I don’t share this to scare anyone…I want money and power as much as anyone else. What she is getting at…is those things can happen if your life is not in BALANCE.
For me having it all is…money and power (or being a good influence is how I like to think of power)…plus balance, love, fun, time-out, holidays, travel, doing meaningful work, a gorgeous connection to family and friends, having a sacred spiritual connection, happiness, ease and dynamic health. Yes please…bring it on.
Here is Arianna Huffington’s 12 steps to Thrive…Inspired by her new book of the same title…Thrive.
Thanks to for this graphic
Two Legged...or Three Legged Stool
A key point Arianna makes is that money and power…are two legs of a three legged stool. But there is a third leg needed, and she calls the third leg the ‘Third Metric’.
The Third Metric Consists of 4 Pillars
Pillar 1: Well-being – thrive…don’t just succeed, take time to meditate and look after yourself
Pillar 2: Wisdom – tap into your wisdom…not just your intellect and IQ
Pillar 3: Wonder – be present…of the joys in this life
Pillar 4: Giving – daily instances of kindness and generosity…doing something nice for someone.
All these pillars make sense...right. When we practice these, then we have true success. When you build your work on a foundation of adding value to peoples' lives, you're setting yourself up for real success.
What Will Your Eulogy Be
Ever been to a funeral and after listening to the stories of that person…you vow to live your life to the full from now on. Your going straight home to make your bucket list…and then you’re going to tick each one of those babies off for the rest of the year, because you have no time to spare. Or is that just me?
The wonderful way Arianna explains it is…"Eulogies are never about successfulness in the form of the world. Eulogies…are all about how we made people feel, did we make them laugh, smile, what were the small kindnesses and lifelong passions."
“So why is it we spend so much time on our resumes…and so little time on our eulogies.” (Good one Arianna!) “ No-one ever says Mark raised the company by 35% or Mary worked hard and never ate lunch away from her desk. What are we giving our eulogists…to work with?”
Haha…Don’t you love this women!
Here is Arianna's speech… I so hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
A very strong point she makes…is we need to apply everything we know about self care. We now have the science to validate what philosophers, poets, and spiritual teachers have been saying for centuries….that life is shaped from the inside…out. Not the other way.
Anyways…why not kick back with a nice cuppa…and watch what Arianna has to say. I’m sure you will pick up your own little gems from this wonderful wise women.