Hey there...my name is Helen Frys.

I love reading…mostly inspirational stuff. I never get bored (there’s always something new to learn, read, watch and places to be). I love meeting new people and most of all…I love inspiring people!!!

Why? Because at one time…I was very uninspired about life. I hated who I was…I was un-energised…I lacked confidence…and life was a struggle.

Through my journey though...i've learnt to overcome those feelings. And now I just want to be a great example to anyone who is feeling this way…and let them know that you can change!!!

I learnt to empower myself and take 100% responsibility for myself and my life…and now my life is so much easier!!!


Here is a little of my journey.

For over 20 years now I have been a curious and enthusiastic student of healing, metaphysics and personal development.

My curiosity and fascination has led me on a wonderful journey of self-discovery, self-realisation and ultimately my freedom.

This journey led me to my very first mentor, Akisha, a re-birther specializing in breath work, who mentored me for over two years. Helping me to heal, let go of my past and develop my intuition.

Because of my enthusiasm to learn, Akisha appointed me her apprentice, training me and eventually handing me the reigns to work with my own clients.

Following this…my next mentor, Anita appeared, and I furthered my studies by once again becoming an enthusiastic student in the fields of Spiritual and Wholistic Healing.

Reaching a much deeper level of the inner workings of my mind, body and spirit, I learnt the value of creating wholistic wellness…which is about encompassing the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of oneself.

Once again my enthusiasm for learning was rewarded with the opportunity to run Anita’s classes, which I wholeheartedly embraced.

Utilising my knowledge to support, mentor and educate the students led me to realise that my passion was in working with groups of people, guiding them and supporting them to gain improvement not only in their physical health but also their spiritual development. Helping them to become aware of insights and having an awareness into themselves…that could change their lives.

I have come to understand and truly believe …when you’re living on purpose and doing what you love, the most amazing co-incidences happen to support you on your journey.

And that’s exactly what has happened to me. Everything in my life has led me here. My passion for helping people has brought me to now incorporating all my knowledge, studies and life lessons into helping women to become the magnificent, glorious, gorgeous beings they are meant to be.

How Exciting!!!

I love nothing more than to help women let go of their old, past, outdated beliefs and begin to create for themselves the most magnificent and abundant lives.

Abundant in every sense…health, wealth, body, mind, spirit and teach them how to have fun again!

Grab your copy of ‘DIVINE SOULFUL SACRED’ - What Your Soul Wants You To Know.

A beautiful E-book that my soul…made for your soul!