Cacao ceremonies are a form of shamanic healing…having its roots in indigenous cultures of South America. I love using the cacao as a celebratory ritual to open the heart…bringing us back to the feeling of love, oneness and connection. Especially with ourselves.

Since ancient times and over thousands of years, the Mayan culture has used cacao for medicinal, spiritual and ceremonial purposes and to enhance their connection to mother Earth. Developing a deep reverence and gratitude for life. (Something we often forget to do, with all our modern pressures.)

 It is chocolate in its purest form. Cacao beans or seeds…come from the fruit of the cacao tree and has a distinctly bitter flavour…and in a ceremony we slowly sip on the cacao in the form of a hot chocolate drink. (But don’t worry, I make it taste nice.)

Plus…I have sourced the most beautiful cacao from a 100% Mayan owned, all indigenous women’s collective which was founded by an indigenous Mayan mother of three in Guatemala.

 My intention for holding cacao ceremonies…is for gorgeous women to come and enter into a beautiful journey together, giving us space to open our hearts and deeply connect to our true essence and to those around us. It is rich in magnesium which relaxes the nervous system and therefore allowing us to drop our guard.

 We begin by setting our intentions and mindfully drinking the cacao while dropping into our hearts space, creating a loving and receptive energy. Acting as a reminder to stay centred in the heart, while it gently works on your body, mind and heart rebalancing your energies and allowing you to listen to your deepest callings. Opening up the emotional centre of your body – your heart chakra.

Every individual experience is different…and each time will be different. 

Experience feelings of peace, calm, love, gratitude…and sometimes more difficult emotions can be expressed. But don’t be put off by that, this is when we see the most profound changes take place!

What I’ve witnessed in my cacao circles, is the expression of raw emotions. Which to me confirms the strong yet gentle power of the cacao…that helps us all to come together to express some of our darkest and deepest thoughts that can be holding us back.

And I’m always grateful and feel blessed to be a part of these sacred and special opportunities. The cacao medicine helps us to get out of our heads…and feel with our hearts.

Joining in on a cacao ceremony…reminds us of the importance of sacred time, slowing down, connecting and being in the moment of stillness. To feel deep peace and to heal…and release.

This ceremonial circle is always a safe place, and I take great pride in making sure that each participant feels welcomed, warm and cared for. We begin with a lovely gentle energy clearing, a prayer honouring mother cacao, a small releasing ritual, followed by a meditation through the four elements of earth, water, air and fire. (This can change from time to time, depending on the intention of the ceremony.)

The medicine works specifically by bringing us back to the feeling of love, oneness and connection. This opens up the space to deeply connect to our higher path and our innermost self as we tap into the profound power and wisdom stored within each of us.

If you would love to be a part of one of these ceremonies, where you will get to connect with other gorgeous soul women, feel your heart open, release emotions and enjoy beautiful meditation…please join my FB group Gorgeous Soul Seeking Women to see when the next ceremony is being held.

Always remember…Be Magnificent, Get Inspired!