
What A Month!

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Body matter what size you are

Wow…what a month, first off I went and saw the movie ‘EMBRACE’ an enlightening doco about body image by Taryn Brumfitt.

Taryn after having three children…became unhappy with her weight and was resenting her body. After talking with her personal trainer, she decided to train for a body building competition. 15 weeks later…and after losing 15kg…and gaining a ton of muscle…she was competition ready.

But…even though she had the perfect body, she still wasn’t happy. She also noticed that some of the other body building women, also still had things about their bodies that they weren’t happy with. She thought what’s going on here. From there she decided to post a before and after pic of herself on fb.

But as you can see....not your normal before and after…her before pic shows her fit physique on stage at a comp…and her after photo is of her body after it went back to her normal bigger shape. The post got over 3 million likes!

Hence…Taryn began her mission to get women to LOVE their bodies…and created her doco ‘EMBRACE – My Story From Body Loather To Body Lover'.

Some really beautiful and inspiring stories told…a must see. 

Here is Taryn's about page:


Queens of Constance


Then…we have Constance Hall…the popular mommy blogger and social activist. She’s funny, frank and hilariously honest about her life. Another one who shared on fb a post on parent sex ( that 3.5 minutes you get in between changing nappies and making food)…that went viral! She now has her own book, ‘LIKE A QUEEN’.

Received her book last week…and then realised she was going to be in Geelong (a bit over an hour away from me) on the weekend doing a book signing. So I rushed down with my book…to meet the queen and get my book personally signed. What a gorgeous, gracious being she is. The sort of girl you want to be friends with…because you know you could say anything...and you would never stop laughing!!! Go Constance!

Sidenote: Realised she was on Big Brother in 2005 (after a bit of stalking). I’m like hey I watched 2005 Big Brother…so I found the episodes on youtube and ended up watching her in the first couple episodes till (2am in the morning!) haha….she was young and funny then too. Pity she got booted out early for lying to producers about being in a relationship (you had to be single). So she ended up getting voted out. 

Her book 'Like A Queen'

Her book 'Like A Queen'

Here is her site: 

Women are empowering themselves these days...and they are doing it by being truthful and honest about their lives. Both these 'amazing girls' will help boost your mindset...and make you feel magnificent!

If you haven't checked out either of these two women...go do it!!!

Be warned though...Constance doesn't hold back on what she says, thinks or does. So I did warn you!

And Remember...EMBRACE who you are! What you look like! How you think! The way YOU do things! How you speak! How you act! The food you eat! The body you are in! How you dress! How YOU live your life!!! BECAUSE...there is ONLY one YOU!!!! Never to be repeated again! So enjoy YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!



Just Not Feeling The Vibe?

We are faced with decisions every day.

Do I do this...or do I not? 

Do I go this way...or that?

Always trying to figure out what’s right for us. And…every now again we fall of the bandwagon. We promise ourselves stuff…and we don’t follow through. And...we feel like we have let ourselves down.

But have we really?


Sometimes, we just really need to listen to what’s right for us…in the moment


Just because you didn’t follow through on something, doesn’t mean you failed. It just means you need to remind yourself, WHY you wanted…what you wanted.

Here’s an example of what I went through recently.

It’s now spring…but during winter…I did not feel like going to the gym. I’d just had my measure and weigh in…and even though I’m in the healthy range…my fat % had gone up. So I was advised to come in more often.

“Yep, no worries, I can do that.” Easy Peasy!

But…then for some reason….I found it really hard to go at all!


What the hell? What’s happened to me


Well, what was going on in my head…was the more I told myself I must go more often…the more I resisted.

The more I resisted…the guiltier I felt.

The guiltier I felt…the more stressed I was becoming.


Each day…I was trying to talk myself into going…trying to figure out the best time…trying to figure out how I can fit in other errands and my to do’s…to make better use of my time.

In the end…through my procrastination and deliberating about my choice…I would decide, “All too hard, too late to go now, I’ll go tomorrow.”

This was my repeat process for a while…with the added feelings of being a loser…for not keeping my promise to myself.   (Does any of this sound familiar?)


I always like to question my thoughts and my actions…because then I can get clear, about what’s really going on


And I just thought, “You know what, I’m just not feeling the vibe for the gym right now, so why am I trying to FORCE myself. Honestly...this is stressing me out!”

So, I decided to just give the gym a miss over the winter months (I do like to hibernate in winter after all) and once spring hits…I’ll be inspired to go again.

Which is exactly what I did. It’s now spring…and I am once again motivated.


Is any of this resonating…not just with this example of the gym or exercise…but with all areas of life?


While having lunch with a friend recently…I explained to her why I decided to stop going over winter and why. How the stress of trying to force myself…was really doing my head in. How I was literally stressing myself out, because I was worrying about it so much. I told her how I decided that I was going to let myself off the hook for a while…and enjoy the winter months.

And the gorgeous being she is said, “I love the way you didn’t completely give up…you just decided to take a break.”  In a tone…like I am the smartest person on the planet.   (Love ya Nalina!)


And here’s the truth….


Sometimes you just need to listen to your own guidance…and totally HONOUR your answers…HONOUR what it is telling you…and most importantly HONOUR your feelings.


YOU KNOW…what is right for YOU

HONOUR…that knowing!

Without GUILT!

Without feeling like a…failure!

Without…beating yourself up over it!

Ask yourself (repeatedly)…”What’s my best solution?” “What FEELS right?”

And listen…to your ANSWERS!

Because it will be….the RIGHT answer for YOU!!!

You’re not giving up on are HONOURING yourself!


By doing this…




YOU’RE MINDSET …will all be in FLOW. 


And Know This...


It's sometimes change course!




Gorgeousss Goddess Gatheringss!

Well…I’m coming out of my wonderful and nurturing winter hibernation.

There is something about winter…a warm home, cooking hearty soups and stews, huddled in front of the wood fire, snuggling up with fluffy blankets on the couch to watch favourite TV shows, early nights with the electric blanket on to warm the bed and make it cosy.

As the days gradually grow warmer and lighter…I feel myself coming out of hibernation…like an old sleepy bear…appearing from the safety and warmth of his winter cave.


Feeling Good...


Feels good to get back to wanting to eat healthy stir fries, loaded with vegies again. Having my healthy breakfast shake out in the sun, inviting friends over for lunch at my 'sunny' dining room table…and going for a wonderful healing massage and card reading with my best friend Pam…to re-awaken all of my senses…and make a beautiful connection with this gorgeous soul sister of mine. We do have such wonderful healing times together.


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Feeling rejuvenated and happy…understanding more of my inner shadow side {thankyou Pam}…and what's been happening for me on that level…I’m now ready for my next step on this life journey.


Two Big Things Coming Up For Me…



Firstly; I will be doing some training with the awesome Kat Loterzo…she helps women 'Dream Big' and make 'Shit Happen'. Haha…Kat pulls no punches when it comes to getting real about your business…so I dare say, my blog posts will become more raw and more honest.

And Secondly; I am training as a facilitator…of Goddess Playshops with the gorgeous goddess Luanne Simmons. Luanne  is the CEO & Co-owner of Goddess Playshops.



How Amazingly Exciting!!!



These playshops are right up my alley. I love running beautiful workshops and gatherings, where women can come and connect, feel safe and bear their burdens…and just be their gorgeous selves.


Love Note: You will get to meet my Gorgeous…Friend and Soul Buddy Pam…as we will be working side by side to bring these amazing workshops to you. You will be blown away by the beautiful ancient knowledge this Goddess Gal carries!


I’ve been meaning to put a workshop together for a while now…and when Pam mentioned Luanne’s Goddess Playshops…and how nice they would be…and how all women want to connect with their inner Goddess…I thought what an ‘awesome’ idea.  I mean, why the heck…try to re-invent the wheel…when the playshops are all laid out for me…all the planning has been done.


So…this is what I will be doing…running these Magnificent Goddess Playshops!



Happy Dance!



And they are going to be so much…fun.

On a live call with Luanne…she mentioned how one of her Goddess’s ran a ‘Chakras & Champagne’ workshop…and I’m thinking to myself…’Yes Please’… now that is  my kind of workshop. Ha ha ha.



I am so excited about running…and bringing these workshops to you. I am going to put in every effort to make these a sacred place, for you to come and…feel nurtured…loved…cared for…somewhere you can be seen and heard…to share…to cry…to laugh…to be silly…to become whole…to get empowered…to feel strong…to be supported…to feel vulnerable…to scream…to swear…to get ‘shit’ of chests…to feel light…to feel loved (yes, I know I have already said that)…but I really want this to be a place for gorgeous women…no matter what size…what age…or what stage you are in your life…if your broke…or rich…if your beautiful or a real ‘bitch’… or you want to 'rip' your kids heads off…divorced…married…single…or screwing around…battling a disease…living in fear…feeling guilty or ashamed…or just feeling like ‘shit’ most days…

I want ‘YOU’  to know this is going to be an amazing safe place for you to come and feel…LOVED!!!



No Judgements Allowed In This Sacred Space…Goddess Girl!!!


I love creating sacred spaces…so each one will be filled with colour… candles…cushions…crystals…divine music…incense…essential oils…flower remedies…healing teas….and not forgetting Goddess Cards.

Everything you need to connect to your 'Inner Goddess'…will be there. Ready and waiting for you.


Don't forget to download my free-ebook '10 Sure Fire Ways To Create Positive Energy' and learn all about how I changed my life from someone with no become a positively charged author, speaker and workshop leader!

Click Here





Need a Miracle?...Then You Need To Read This

The word miracle can be said to be…‘A beneficial event that is statistically unlikely...a simply wonderful occurrence...feelings of amazement and excitement...or a wonder, performed by a supernatural power’.

Miracles can be classed as…perfect solutions presenting themselves at just the right time.

I love the last one…a perfect solution presenting itself at just the right time. I’m sure we have all felt this at one time or another in our life.


The new science of quantum physics is proving…that we are all wired for miracles. It is by taking conscious control of what you do want…that you can create your own miracles.


To be a miracle maker you need to get a clear vision of what it is you want, this gives the universe something to aim for…a target to hit.

It’s best not to wait until the storm hits, for your miracle…but to practice living as though everything is a miracle…now. For once the storm hits…your emotions will cancel it out. Best to practice this stuff beforehand.

If you plant a flower seed…you expect a flower, if you plant a tomato seed…you expect tomatoes. You don’t question it, it’s simply law. We all agree that is natural…but when it comes to creating miracles…we don’t always believe we can.


Creating a clear vision of what you want will help change that though, and meditating on the word miracle will make it become a living and active part of you. Just keep thinking about the word miracle…and reminding yourself of what miracles you would like.


You want to begin planting your miracle seed, and water and feed it…until you start seeing it. have whatever that thing is...that is your inspired vision.

I just find things work out better for me…when I’m in a miracle ‘frame of mind’. I don’t slog it out or work myself to the bone…to make things happen or achieve stuff in my life. I’m just not wired up that way. Everything I do is achieved in a much easier way. I practice believing that what I want will happen…and it makes my life run a hell of a lot smoother. I train myself to expect things…and I plan for them. I make sure what I do is fun…and if it’s not…I don’t do it. I surround myself with positive people…and I keep attracting more and more of them. People that like who I am, who are willing to help me, who get excited about stuff with me...and like to have a laugh.


Yea sure!…stuff I don’t like, or freak out about, still happens!


But I can guide myself through it without too much damage, or without losing my trust and faith for too long. I can get back to being positive pretty quickly.

And this is when you get to notice your miracles. You think, “Holy hell, I thought that was going to be a disaster…but it worked out ok.”


Miracles generally come through unexpected channels!!!


This is definitely one to remember. Your miracle will come from absolute left field. It definitely won’t come from where you’re expecting it too. It never does. The universe always has a much better plan for us.

I love the book, “Expect A Miracle” by Dr John Hinwood. Within the book John shares how easy it is to expect a miracle, sharing his own personal stories and those of friends. He says raising your own level of expectation, is where you begin. 



John says, "You don’t have to have talent or ability; it’s not about your financial condition, your education, your marital status or the colour of your skin it all begins with your level of expectation!"

Is that not a sense of relief?


All you need…to create miracles…is to raise your level of expectation!


After John attended a ‘Money and You’ seminar in Melbourne, Australia in 1987, he came across a card that said…


He was given the go ahead to reproduce it…and his book is filled with stories from people's experiences...after they have been handed that special little card.

You can download a copy of the book from his site for free.      Awesome!

To go to his site…Just Click Here


Some other things to remember when you need a miracle


  1. Lack of faith in creating yourself a miracle…blocks you from receiving one
  2. Listen to your loving voice…and not your fearful voice
  3. You only need willingness and a desire…to receive some gorgeous guidance for change
  4. Expect it in different forms - synchronicities, intuition, co-incidences or some beautiful inspiration
  5. Keep reminding yourself…there is a power greater than yourself supporting your every move


So…I hope this helps you to create a ‘simply wonderful occurrence'  that fills you with amazement...and excitement...and wonder, that is performed by supernatural powers…which is basically you putting out what you want into the quantum field.




How I Met Lucy

I love the way through one decision…your life can be put on the most amazing pathway.

I get an invite from someone I highly admire…Sue Anderson for her book launch ‘Unbullyable’. I’m excited. I love this women and I wholly want to support her at her launch. It’s also a fundraiser for bullying…and a cocktail party. What!!!...a cocktail party! (What do I wear?) I don’t have any nice dresses…and what about shoes. It’s all too much…should I go?

Well yes…of course I should go…I love her work and this cause...I  want to support it…and I'm not going to let not knowing what to wear stop me. So that’s it decision made…I’m going.

Next step…rummage through my daughters cupboard…beauty…find a black dress I can wear…and it fits me good. Next rummage through her shoes…awesome found a pair…and yes…I can actually walk in them, getting excited now. Decision has been made, all is a go.




Even though I had decided on the outfit (out of my daughters wardrobe)…a few days later whilst out shopping…I thought “Oh, while I’m here I’ll just quickly pop into the dress shop and just see what they have?”… (I’m excited about the cocktail party now). And out the corner of my eye… a dress catches my attention…so I try it on. And holy cow…it looks amazing…it fits perfectly… its comfortable…and it will go with my daughters shoes..haha

Done…bought….thankyou universe.

ME and Sues Book.jpg

The point I’m trying to make here is…once you decide something…the universe pulls out all its powers to help you and everything begins to fall into place.


The book launch is a great success…Sue has some great speakers…a guy named John Caldwell - (Anti-Bullying Advocate Melbourne)---and Chloe Cunningham of Angels Goal - (she was a victim and is now also and advocate for bullying)---and Rae and  Damien Panlock from Brodies Law Foundation --- as I listen to their stories…I feel blessed I’m in there company. They are all doing amazing work with their lives.


Check out Sue's here

(Sue is doing some amazing work with kids and bullying...her book and site is well worth checking out!)



The other thing Sue had organised at her launch was a silent auction to help raise funds towards her charities. (I didn’t even know what a silent auction was.)

So my beautiful girlfriend (Thanks Jenny) who was with me on the night, and I go through all the items up for bids. When, I come across a marketing package.

That’s it..i want this…this is exactly what I need right now.

I’ll just take you back a step here… you see I was wanting to rebrand my business and redo my website…and a few weeks earlier I had this thought… “I need someone local, I can sit down with, who can help design a new web and I can explain what I need done…not some distant guru who I can only contact by email.”

So my thought was…” I know…I’ll put up and add at the local Uni…advertising for what I need…maybe a student…someone who I can sit with and  share my ideas.”

And this is where the magic begins to happen.  When you make a decision and put your order into the ethers...the universe always steps in and gives you bigger and better than you could ever imagine.




I won the bid for her marketing package that she kindly donated to the silent auction. And she is the most gorgeous…beautiful…awesome…creative…web designer… that  a girl could ever ask for!




She is Lucy Coxall of Roar…and she has created me the most gorgeous website…that I love…and she designed  my beautiful business cards…that I love…and I get to sit in her beautiful office…that I love!

I love working with her and being in her energy. She is my beautiful web fairy…that sprinkles magic all over my ideas.


I get to share my ideas…and she gets just as excited about my stuff…as I do.


This is Lucy's gorgeous office that I get to sit in

This is Lucy's gorgeous office that I get to sit in

Check out clicking here


 It can be hard doing things on your own…so finding someone who is as passionate about your stuff as you are…is an absolute godsend.



Here are my gorgeous cards that Lucy designed for me

Here are my gorgeous cards that Lucy designed for me

Put out for what you want…because most times, it comes in the most fantastical…magical…awesomeness ways.

For me…this all come about…because I decided to support Sue and Unbullyable.

You just never know what little decisions you  make in life…that can totally change the course for you.

Say 'yes'  to things…even when they make you feel uncomfortable...or you think you have nothing to wear.




Are Your Ready...To have a {Relentless Determination} To Succeed

Wondering what it takes to succeed? Then let’s have a little look at some amazing and insightful tips from the one and only…Oprah.


I’m always inspired by people who have experienced considerable hardships in life…and then be able to completely turn it around…and in Oprah’s case, to become one of the planet’s most greatest philanthropist as well as…actress, publisher, producer and self-made millionaire, or should I say billionaire?

But more than any of that…I think the reason why most of us love Oprah so much, is because she real. She’s honest, genuine and authentic. She never sugar coats anything, she has shared her struggles and bared her soul…so we may learn, better ourselves and create our own big dreams. And that has always been her message…to dream a ‘BIGGER’ dream for yourself.

I love the fact, that through her desire to have a ‘big dream’ for herself…has made her who she is today. Thankyou Oprah, for giving yourself permission to be amazing and reminding us that anything we truly desire…is achievable.

What does it actually take to succeed? Well, I guess it takes a burning desire, initiative, energy, perseverance and you definitely need to believe in yourself and believe that you can succeed. Plus… be able to stick it out…until it is completed. And not forgetting...the all important must take action.

And… (drum roll)  here is the big tip…ACTION cures fear. Why? Because when you take action it stops you fertilizing your fear. Isn’t that awesome!!! (Pinched that one from David J. Schwartz’s, The Magic of Thinking Big)


But…Let’s get to back to Oprah


In Oprah’s Harvard Commencement Speech she talks about how she wanted to be a journalist and make a difference. By the time she was 19 years old…she was on television and in 1986 she launched her own television show, with a relentless determination to succeed. Every year she would raise the bat, pushing herself as hard as she could,  until she eventually made it to the top…and she stayed there for 25 years.

The Oprah show was No.1, in that time slot for 21 years. She says she was pretty comfortable with that level of success…but then she decided it was time to re-calculate…find new territory…break new ground. So she ended the show and launched, OWN, the Oprah Winfrey Network.

A year later after launching OWN, nearly every media outlet had proclaimed that her new venture was a big bold flop. Oprah says this was the worst period in her professional life. She was stressed, frustrated and embarrassed. It was around this time she was asked to speak to the graduates of Harvard. She wondered what she would say to the most successful graduates…when she herself felt she had stopped succeeding.

So she went off to have a shower…it was either that, or eat a bag of Oreo’s…(haha, isn’t she funny)…and whilst in the shower the words of a hymn came to her, “Trouble, trouble don’t last always. This too shall pass.” And she thought, as she got out of the shower, “I am going to turn this thing around...and I will be better for it…and when I do…I’m going to Harvard and speak the truth of it!”


Now Oprah is here to tell us…she has turned her OWN network around. (Go Miss Oprah!)


She goes onto say… “It doesn’t matter how far you may rise…at some point you are bound to stumble…because if your constantly raising the bar and pushing yourself higher, by the law of averages…you will at some point fall. And when you do I want you to know this…there is no such thing as failure. Failure is just life trying to move us…in another direction. And when you’re down in your’s ok to feel bad for a while. Give yourself time to mourn what you think you may of lost, but then…learn from every mistake…because every experience encountered….is there to teach you and force you into being more of why you are. And then…figure out what is the next right move. The key to life is to develop an internal GPS that can tell you which way to go.”

I love Oprah for sharing this, because we all know…or most of us do…that challenges are put in front of us to make us grow. But, isn’t it good to hear this from someone of her calibre, stature and wealth…that she still has this happen to her. For me… it’s like hallelujah…it really is a natural progression to our growth. That we are not doing it wrong, that this is actually a natural pathway to our growth…to our success. So when the sh#t hits the fan in life…we can actually remind ourselves, “Well, you know what…this stuff happens to Oprah…so I’m not alone here.”


Failure is just life trying to move another direction


It’s about gently reminding ourselves…that there is a new pathway to be taken here.

Another awesome point Oprah makes in her speech is…the single most important lesson she learned in her 25 years of talking every single day to people…is that the most common denominator amongst all her guests was that, we don’t want to feel divided… but to be validated, to be understood, to be seen, to be heard…and to know what we say means something. All of her guests once the cameras stopped rolling would ask… “Was that ok. Was what I said ok.” It's just human nature, that we all want to be heard...we all want what we say, to mean something to people.


There is a light inside of us that illuminates your very human beingness…if you let it.


In the words of Oprah…

“There is only one goal for us all…and that is to fulfil the highest, most truthful, expression of yourself as a human being. You want to max out your humanity by using your energy…to lift yourself up, your family and the people around you.”


She quotes theologian Howard Thurman

“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive…and then go do that, because what the world needs…is people to come alive.”


Listen to that still small voice…


“From time to time you may stumble…fall…you will for sure have questions about your path…but if you’re willing to listen, to be guided by that still small voice…that is the GPS within you…you will find out what makes you come alive. You will be more than OK…you will be happy…you will be successful and you will make a difference in the world.”


You  Can Watch Oprah's Harvard Speech Here..


Thankyou Oprah for your empowering wisdom. And for each and everyone of us...I think it is important that we remember...we have each come to play an important part...we are all equally important. No matter what it is you dream of doing...all you need is a relentless determination to succeed!






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Worlds Most Influential Woman

As I am always looking for inspiring messages to listen to, watch and learn from…I came across the amazing Arianna Huffington. A Greek-American author, columnist,  president, editor-in-chief, and founder of the Huffington Post…a news and blog site that is widely read.

She has been named in Time Magazine’s list of the world’s 100 most influential people and the Forbes Most Powerful Women list. Go Arianna!!! Talk about girl (or should I say…woman) power.

Arianna has money power and phenomenal business success…and now she has become a champion for a more holistic approach to maintain and support that success. She is redefining what it means to be successful in today’s world. And by no means has she had it easy…she has faced challenges…just like the rest of us.

Seven years ago, Arianna collapsed from exhaustion and burnout. This...she says, was the wake-up call she needed, to make some positive changes in her life

Arianna talks about how the critical mass has crystallised…in other words the tipping point has occurred…we are becoming more mindful….and meditation is no longer flakey…it’s now mainstream.

Not only is Arianna successful  (in all areas of her life)…she is darn funny too! I love the way she said in her speech at the Wisdom 2.0 Conference…

”CEO after CEO, are now coming out…not as gay, but as meditators!”


Halelujah…looks like the world is in for some great change.


She explains how money and power, can create casualties of – addiction, heart attack and depression. And I don’t share this to scare anyone…I want money and power as much as anyone else. What she is getting at…is those things can happen if your life is not in BALANCE.


For me having it all is…money and power (or being a good influence is how I like to think of power)…plus balance, love, fun, time-out, holidays, travel, doing meaningful work, a gorgeous connection to family and friends, having a sacred spiritual connection, happiness, ease and dynamic health. Yes please…bring it on.


Here is Arianna Huffington’s 12 steps to Thrive…Inspired by her new book of the same title…Thrive.


 Thanks to for this graphic

 Thanks to for this graphic

Two Legged...or Three Legged Stool

A key point Arianna makes is that money and power…are two legs of a three legged stool. But there is a third leg needed, and she calls the third leg the ‘Third Metric’.


The Third Metric Consists of 4 Pillars


Pillar 1: Well-being – thrive…don’t just succeed, take time to meditate and look after yourself

Pillar 2: Wisdom – tap into your wisdom…not just your intellect and IQ

Pillar 3: Wonder – be present…of the joys in this life

Pillar 4: Giving – daily instances of kindness and generosity…doing something nice for someone.


All these pillars make sense...right. When we practice these, then we have true success. When you build your work on a foundation of adding value to peoples' lives, you're setting yourself up for real success.


What Will Your Eulogy Be


Ever been to a funeral and after listening to the stories of that person…you vow to live your life to the full from now on. Your going straight home to make your bucket list…and then you’re going to tick each one of those babies off for the rest of the year, because you have no time to spare.  Or is that just me?

The wonderful way Arianna explains it is…"Eulogies are never about  successfulness in the form of the world. Eulogies…are all about how we made people feel, did we make them laugh, smile, what were the small kindnesses and lifelong passions." 

“So why is it we spend so much time on our resumes…and so little time on our eulogies.”   (Good one Arianna!) “ No-one ever says Mark raised the company by 35% or Mary worked hard and never ate lunch away from her desk. What are we giving our eulogists…to work with?”

Haha…Don’t you love this women!


Here is Arianna's speech… I so hope you enjoy it as much as I did.




A very strong point she makes…is we need to apply everything we know about self care. We now have the science to validate what philosophers, poets, and spiritual teachers have been saying for centuries….that life is shaped from the inside…out. Not the other way.

Anyways…why not kick back with a nice cuppa…and watch what Arianna has to say. I’m sure you will pick up your own little gems from this wonderful wise women.



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How To Bliss Out...{Every Cell} In Your Body

Do you want to know how to bliss out every cell in your body? It's by having happy thoughts.  Sounds simple...I know...but as you read on you will discover that this simple little secret is how you get your chemical happy factory open for business...and churning out those awesome feel good hormones.

There is a massive link between happiness, feeling good and your health. Feeling happy and positive about your life...leads to better health, you eliminate fear, helps with anxiety and you live a longer life.


One of the most important things about being happy…is it cuts down your stress levels. Stress has a bad effect on your biology. For many people, stress is so commonplace that it has become a way of life. The stress your body’s way of protecting you. When working properly, it helps you stay focused, energetic, and alert. In emergency situations, stress can save your life—giving you extra strength to defend yourself.

If your wanting to cut down on your every day stress levels...the answer is to get happy. When one finds happiness in their life, the whole body chemistry is affected and all your bodily systems function well.



When you’re stressed out…a stressor is perceived by the body and your stress response system starts up a cascade of biological events. Releasing the stress hormones…adrenaline and cortisol.


Some stress is helpful…the problem is chronic stress. Chronic stress… leads to many health concerns, leaving negative effects on the body.

That’s why it is important to be happy. Did you know happy people; tend to have stronger hearts and a stronger immune system. So they are less likely to get cold and flu viruses…and if they do…their symptoms tend to be mild.


Be Happy...and Don't Worry

Worrying is just not good for you. It is so destructive to us in many ways. It becomes a mental burden that can even cause us to grow physically sick (hence the saying 'worried sick'). Often we worry about stuff...that just isn't going to happen anyway.

On the other hand...the positive effects of being happy are the feelings of hope, optimism, contentment, satisfaction and well-being. By being a happy person…you are focusing on the good, not the bad. You’re acting how you want to be…not how you’re told to be. Your focusing on what you want…not what you don’t want. Your thinking about the stuff you want to happen!

People who express positive emotions…are more resilient when they are faced with challenges, difficulties or hardships. They’re able to see the 'bigger picture'…which helps them identify solutions. And they easily express….gratitude and appreciation.


The Power of Positive Thoughts


Did you know…every thought releases brain chemicals? Happy thoughts…decrease cortisol (the stress hormone)...and increase serotonin (the feel good hormone). When you’re having happy thoughts, your helping your brain to function at its best…giving you a sense of well-being.


Get Your Happy Factory Happening


These are some of the chemicals you release when in happy thought states.

Dopamine – Naturally produced by your brain, makes you feel good and is the ‘reward hormone’. It’s the brains natural energiser and used for mental focus. Dopamine is all about pleasure. Just realizing even a small goal you have set for yourself…will help release dopamine. So...imagine what happens when you realise a big goal.

Endorphins – A natural  pain and stress fighter. When we have high endorphin levels, we feel less pain and fewer negative effects of stress. Certain foods such as dark chocolate or chilli peppers can lead to increased secretion of endorphins. That explains why some people can feel those comforting feelings after eating chocolate. Yum!!!  And also, why we crave it…when feeling stressed.

Serotonin – Relaxes the mind and instils a sense of emotional well-being. It is our natural mood stabilizer and sleep promoter. It helps with migraines and insomnia. It gives us relief from agitation and anxiety and boosts your immune system.  The majority of your immune system and your serotonin lie in the gut. So the healthier your gastrointestinal tract…the healthier your immune system. And the healthier your immune system…the more serotonin you’ll have.

When you decide to be positive within yourself the negative has to leave

When you decide to be positive within yourself the negative has to leave

Create New Synapses

Happy positive thoughts…supports brain growth and creates new synapses… (the synapse play an important role in learning, memory, aging and stress). Brain cells communicate with one another by passing chemical messengers at functional contacts called synapses. Chemicals release at each synapse…and these change mood, open the brain to enhance learning and fuel creative solutions to problems.  Having a happy thought will regulate your mood and give you more confidence in tough times.


Its through happy thoughts...and happy feelings...that you activate the Law of Attraction.


Magnetizing all that you want to you.


Do you now see…how positive and negative thoughts, chemically affect your body. Remind yourself of this the next time you feeling in a low mood. You can literally change the reactions in your body…by the thoughts you are having.  This isn’t just whoo whoo stuff.  You really do have much more power over your body and your future self…just by having the right thoughts. Does all this mean you will never have a negative thought or feeling again? Definitely not. But when you now know...that instead of going too deeply into the can begin to change the chemical reactions in your body...just by trying for a higher thought.

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What The {Hell}...Is My Purpose

Do you ever wonder…What’s my purpose? What’s my calling?


Every now and again I’m asked this question. And the way I respond to it is, “Your purpose it to be happy.”


Some people are blessed with knowing their purpose from a young age…but for most of us it can take a lot longer. For those of us taking longer to figure it out…I think it is purely because we are growing into the person we need to be…to fulfil our purpose.


And I truly believe your first responsibility towards your purpose…is to be happy.


When you’re happy, everything flows, everything is right. You’re enjoying life and you’re not worrying about your future. In this state you’re a clear channel for ideas, intuition, and direction…your intentions are pure.


By being in a light energy…a more loving energy…things will flow to you much easier? We just sometimes forget…because we get so caught up in doing…doing…doing, that we actually forget to just be. To just let things flow to us.


If you’re trying to figure out your purpose and your feeling angry…or upset…or fed up with not knowing what your purpose is. Or your attitude is like, “Well you know what…I still don’t know what my purpose is…and I’ll probably never will!” Then you will definitely be blocking any chance of it being able to reveal itself to you.

This is when you need to really lighten up on yourself. Why not allow the universe to do its thing and show you the way.  How? By doing whatever you have to…to get yourself in a happy state.


Do What Makes You Feel Good


Watch a sunset. Spend time with your feet in the ocean. Feed your body with gorgeous nutritious food. Drink lots of water. Swim. Bush walk. Travel. Begin a journal. (Write down what inspires you.) Spend time on being creative…whatever that means for you. (Paint, draw, collect shells, write, take photos.) Anything to do with nature will make you feel happy and more in tune…and much more grounded.

 (When grounded your living in the now…not fearing the future.)

Whatever it is, that would make you feel better about yourself, and puts you in that happy place…go do it!!!



When you’re happy, and you’re feeling good…everything you look at seems to sparkle. You love your family, your kids, your partner, you take care of your body, your health improves, you’re grateful for your home, you love the town you’re living in, money seems to flow in and you want to share your happiness with everyone.


Be happy…you have permission.


What is it that would make you happy? It’s generally not something you need…not physical stuff…but a feeling. Ask yourself, “How do I want to feel?

Our purpose is to feel good.  To find joy in each day. To be the best version of ourselves.


I remember watching Oprah one day…and a young girl was on her show in absolute awe of her…and she stated how she wanted to be just like Oprah. And Oprah’s response was, “But I’m already taken…you have to be the best version of YOU!”

I had such an ‘Aha’ moment when I heard that. I thought, “Yes, Helen. Be the best version of you; don’t try to be like anyone else.”

Being the best version of you…adds way more value to our planet…than anything you do, be or have.

The funny thing is…when you’re feeling good about who you are and you are in a state where you are feeling good about life…that’s when you start to see things differently.

All of a sudden you begin to realise, “You know what, I’m good at this.” or “I’d love to do that with my life.” Or “Wow, this idea that I have just had, could bring great value to people and their lives.”

The unfolding of the ‘real’ you…the ‘purposeful’ you, begins to unfold.


It’s not always about ‘searching’ for your purpose…but about getting happy…and allowing your purpose to unfold.


Sometimes the things you have struggled with most of your life…can turn out to be your purpose.

For me my biggest struggle was having no self-confidence and low self-esteem. So my journey has been about building myself up…with lots of personal development and self-esteem courses. Attending positive thinking workshops, visiting amazing healers, meditation classes and learning about spiritual and wholistic healing.


But…it’s all turned into my purpose, into my calling.  I now love inspiring people to feel good about themselves.


Sometimes I would think to myself, “Bloody Hell, when am I going to get to the stage that I don’t need to see another healer…or do another course.” But now I can see…how all of these things have made me who I am today. And I have learnt so much from them all...the knowledge I gained…has become my purpose.


What has been your biggest learning curve in life? What do you surround yourself with? What books and items? What’s inspirational to you?


Here are some quick tips:


  • Make a list of the things you do for fun, or that you really enjoy
  • Write down the names of people that you admire, and why you admire them.
  • Make a list of the things you do naturally without even thinking about it.
  • Look at your Passions. What do you surround yourself with, what books, items and things do you love.
  • Notice how you feel. By definition, if you're living your life purpose, you'll feel exhilarated, excited, happy, and alive. Time seems to fly by.





Don’t get caught up in your head with all this…just stay centred and ask for your purpose to be revealed to you. And then watch for signs. No need to rush and get all hectic about it. Allow yourself to grow into your purpose…by being as happy as you can.

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How To Keep Your Emotions Balanced - With These Little Beauties

I wanted to share with you these very gentle remedies…that you can use to reduce emotional stress and create positive inner transformation. They are…Dr Edward Bachs Flower Remedies.

Flower essences are similar to homeopathic remedies. (Homeopathy is a system that stimulates the body to heal itself). They are a set of thirty-eight healing remedies and each essence is made from wild flowers…and contains the vibrational pattern of the original plant. They are safe for the whole family, including pregnant mums and even pets. They come in liquid form and are taken orally…a few drops at a time.

I learnt about these when I was studying wholistic healing…and found they are very useful for treating negative mental and emotional states…and also for restoring balance. They can be used at times of stress and anxiety…to prevent physical illness.

Dr Edward Bach

Dr Edward Bach

Introduced in the 1930s…by the English Physician and Homeopath Dr Edward Bach…the remedies can be easily defined as natural remedies for the emotions. They are naturally derived from specially selected flowers, which are picked while in full bloom…giving them the greatest healing power. Dr Bach figured out…that the attitude of our mind, plays a vital role in maintaining health and recovering from illness. He identified 38 basic negative states of mind and created a plant…or flower based remedy for each one.

He found that by attuning himself to the subtle vibrations of particular plants, he was able to pick up on their unique characteristics, which could then be used for healing. The vibrational character, or spirit of the plant, was strongest in its flowers…and that this character could be absorbed as an energy pattern by water, particularly when combined with sunlight.

The vibrations…will then be absorbed when small amounts of the water are ingested. The drops can be taken directly on the tongue or with a drink of water. The Bach Flower Remedies allow peace and happiness to return to the sufferer, so that the body is free to heal itself.


So how do these remedies actually work?


If you can imagine…all things are made up of vibrating energies.   Everything in the universe has certain energy about it. Think of how different flowers are from each other. Each has its own vibrational pattern…that gives them their particular characteristics – colour, shape, smell, texture, and the like.

All emotions seem to have a particular energy as well – love, despair, anger, fear, appreciation – one can consider each of these a different energetic pattern. Dr Bach considered negative energetic states, to be the source of disease in the body, a theory supported by much of the world’s healers.

We, as human beings are more than our physical body. We are a Human Energy Field. A complex, energetic, multidimensional field that surrounds, penetrates, and is the human body. If you have a block, or some sort of disharmony within your energy field…it’s like having an orchestra with one of its instruments playing out of tune.  The remedies applied are…re-tuning, the body's energy so that the body (the orchestra) plays a more harmonious tune again.  

Flower essences are energetic imprints of the life force of plants. By taking the remedies…their frequencies influence our energy systems. Their subtle vibrations can dissolve, flush, or help release blockages, restoring balance and the healthy flow of energy.

Most of the more delicate flowers for the remedies are prepared using the sun method. This involves floating the flower heads in pure water for three hours, in direct sunlight

Most of the more delicate flowers for the remedies are prepared using the sun method. This involves floating the flower heads in pure water for three hours, in direct sunlight

The remedies…are invaluable for restoring emotional balance before symptoms of physical ailments appear. They allow us to take a step back from our emotions…and deal with them in a more positive way. They are great in assisting our most negative states: such as fear, uncertainty, loneliness, oversensitivity to outside influences and despondency…and turning them into a positive state, such as: courage, clarity, independence and peace of mind.

Dr Bach figured out that the attitude of the mind plays a vital role in maintaining health and recovering from illness. He identified 38 basic negative states of mind…and created a plant or flower based remedy for each one.

So…let’s say you are suffering from a lack of confidence and fear of failure. Then you would take the relevant remedy to increase confidence and remove feelings of despondency. Each remedy aids a specific emotion.



Here is a quick reference of the 38 remedies.


If you relate to any of these negative states…then that remedy is the right one for you.


Rescue Remedy

Dr Bach created an emergency combination containing five flower remedies - Impatiens, Star of Bethlehem, Cherry Plum, Rock Rose and Clematis.

Rescue Remedy combines these five Bach Original Flower Remedies and can be used to help you cope with immediate everyday situations…such as going to the dentist, interviews, making a complaint or wedding day nerves. It can also help in times of crisis or trauma such as bereavement, a relationship breakdown or redundancy.



Rescue Sleep


Rescue Sleep…is a combination of the 5 essences contained in Rescue Remedy, with the added essence of White Chestnut. This remedy calms your restless mind providing natural relief of occasional sleeplessness. White Chestnut is added to help switch off the mind from unwanted, repetitive thoughts.

How to take the remedies

The remedies are taken orally, either directly on the tongue via a glass dropper, or in a small amount of water which is sipped slowly. You can take them individually or mix them together (up to 7), to match the way you feel. Taking larger doses at one time doesn't have a stronger effect; but if you are going through a crisis, it would be better to take more frequent doses…to get you through.

I love these remedies…they are gentle, natural, easy to take, and absolutely safe. What we need to remember is…that there is a link between our emotions and our physical health. So the more we can do to support our emotional states…the more we keep our health and our lives in balance. A healthy mind…ensures a healthy body…which ensures a beautiful, gorgeous, wonderful life.

I would love to hear other peoples experiences with these remedies, or if you have any questions...feel free to leave a comment below.



{16 Ways} To Get Stuff Done, And Stay Sane!

Here are my tips on how to make your life run much smoother and more stress-free.

 We all want that…right? For me life is about getting stuff done…and making sure that I’m enjoying myself along the way. Have you heard the saying, “I’m here for a good time…not a long time.” Well I rather think of it as… “I’m here for a good time…and…a long time”. I want both. So please…enjoy the ‘16 Tips’ I put together for you. And don’t take life too seriously. Be inspired…to do what you love instead.



1. Have an Intermission.

(A period during which action temporarily ceases) It’s easy to forget about ourselves and our bodies. But the way to get things done and be more productive…is to give yourself a well-earned rest. When rested…and after having a decent sleep…you will be way more inspired and much happier.



2. Have an Ideas Book.

If you’re overwhelmed by all your ideas and creative insights…to the point you don’t actually get any of it done…get yourself a beautiful book, to jot down your ideas. This helps you sort out which ones you want to follow through with. Now you can create a timeline for your favourite ideas…and which one to begin with first.



3. Just Do It.

 If you’re waiting for the perfect time to implement your ideas, goals or desires…I can tell you from experience, you won’t make it happen. Just start with something…anything. Begin by creating a rough draught of your idea. Why? Because your brain will fire up with the most creative design…and plan to make it happen.



4. Follow the Leader.

 I am a massive fan of this step. I guarantee…whatever it is you want to accomplish, someone before you has done it. The best thing to do is to seek them out and stalk them…(in a good way of course). What I mean by this is…they more than likely have a system they follow, that’s got them to where they are. Find out what steps they took…do they have a book out…or any courses on offer. Study them and how they did it.



5. Get Challenged.

Whatever it is you highly desire…there is usually some kind of fear that comes with it. Some kind of challenge. Stepping out of your comfort zone…is scary. This can turn into procrastination.  Best thing…is don’t give into it. Feel the fear and do it anyway. This is when your biggest break-throughs will happen. All successful people have been challenged.


6.  Put You...On Your To Do List.

 Its great challenging ourselves to step into our fears…work on our ideas…implement action steps and basically get sh#t done. But what’s the good of it all…if you feel like crap. Please…make sure you put yourself at the top of your ‘to do list’. Massages, reading novels, a movie night, candles and sweet music. Girlfriend nights… with chocolate and champagne. Life is meant to be fun. So make sure it is! (I don’t do boring…so I always make sure my life never is.)



7. Have a Dream Day.

 I love these. Some days…I just need to not care about what needs to be done…and dream about what I want instead. I love planning for my future. Conjuring up thoughts of happiness and freedom and how to get there. Visualising how I want my life to look. Writing it down and googling gorgeous pictures…so it feels more real. Doing this can be one of the most important tasks you will ever do. How can you create something…if you don’t know what it is you want? Always take the time to dream…it can be one of the most enjoyable things you will do.




8. Don’t Overstretch.

Balance…balance…balance…is what life is about. So don’t do a heap of stuff you don’t want to do. Choose what you like to do…what your good at…what inspires you…and what makes you feel happy…and delegate the rest! We are living in a time where we don’t have to feel guilty for getting someone to do the shitty…crappy…stuff we don’t like…or are not good at. Delegate…delegate…delegate. Create yourself a team…and practice at getting really good at saying…‘No’…’No Thanks’…and ‘Not Now!’



9. Focus On What You Love.

Our focus can be pointed in so many directions these days; it can all become a little overwhelming at times. For me…to remedy this feeling is to get my focus back on what I love. What I value…what’s fun…and what I want to achieve. I like to have 3-4 projects on the go and no more…otherwise my energy is scattered all over the place. If I stick to these few things…I actually achieve them. I get to tick them off…feel good about it…and feel refreshed and ready for the next thing on my love list. Don’t do stuff you don’t love!!!



10. Abridge the Jumble.

 Fancy words for simplify and de-clutter. Get rid of the stuff that doesn’t inspire you…fit you…or is out-dated. Often when I’m beginning a new phase in my life, I like to de-clutter…because it is one of the most transforming energies you can work with. Is it easy? No…not for some of us. What I’ve found…if it’s all too much, is to do it bit by bit. What works for me is…I put an empty box at my backdoor…and I aim to place between 1-3 things in it a day. At the end of the week, it’s ready for a quick trip to the recycle store.



11. Triggers To Get Stuff Done.

 Even when we have set aside time to do stuff we love…it’s easy to get side tracked and do that extra load of washing, mop the floor…or go out with friends. So setting up a trigger can be super helpful. It helps you get in the right mindset. When I need to write…I have a big oversized cup I fill with my herbal tea. It means I have to get up fewer times to re-fill it. I light candles…play my Bali café music…and burn incense. I love it…and it makes me want to sit down and do it. This little ritual helps me be creative and stay focused on the task. Get creative…and think up some of your own triggers.


Here are some of my Bali Café music I like to listen to

Here are some of my Bali Café music I like to listen to


12. Task Breaker.

To get ahead…you have to start. To start…you need to break down your tasks. When I first get an idea…I’m picturing the end result. Then it’s like holy cow…how do I get there. One step at a time of course. As an example…I’ll look at someone’s awesome website…and think I want one like that. But then I have to remind myself…that it looks like that because they added things over time. One task at a time = Big end results!



13. Warm Waters, Palm Trees and Trade Winds.

These all equate to…a vacation. Is there anything more rejuvenating than a holiday? Getting away from phones ringing…feeding pets…and to-do lists. Ahhh Blisss! To keep sane we need to de-stress once in a while. Getting away from it all, helps to clear the mind, re-focus and inspire new ideas. And take your ideas book. For I guarantee, while in holiday mode…you will invite great ideas to visit your mind.




14. Stay Healthy.

When I am about to embark on a creative idea or a new plan…I make sure I am fuelling my body with good food and nutrition. I love my Herbalife Cellular Nutrition products.  I take these…along with eating lovely fresh foods…think lean proteins, fruits and vegetables…this ensures I am feeling great and energised. This way my thoughts stay positive…and I have a…‘I can do it’ attitude. Plus the added energy to get it all done.




15. Look Up At The Stars.

Each night…I take the time to go outside…look up at the stars and take a few deep breaths. I find this grounds me…and keeps me in balance. I’m clearing my mind of all the things that went on in my day…so I sleep better. I look forward to it each night. It’s my equivalent, of taking the time to smell the roses.



Earth Offering

Earth Offering

16. Do An Earth Offering.

Every now and again, do an earth offering. Simply take a stick of incense, a lit candle, a gorgeous crystal and maybe some flowers. Take them outside and sit somewhere quiet…place them on the ground and give a silent thankyou to the Universe for providing you with such a beautiful life. I think we all realise…that gratitude is the key to our happiness… (Plus it brings in way more abundance). By physically doing such a thankful ritual…you will energise every cell in your body. And it takes such little time to do. You will feel much more thankful for everything …and therefore able to give even more gratitude…creating more abundance…less stress…and have the energy to get more done.


I hope you enjoy these tips...and do as many, or as little, of them as you like. You may just find one that makes your soul absolutely go with it...and make magic.



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A Gorgeous Hot Burning Desire

When you want something in your life, this is what you need….a gorgeous hot burning desire!


Most people would love to… have or be or achieve something amazing in their life. So why don’t most people do it? Simple…they don’t believe that they can so they don’t even try…they don’t go for it.

We all have the ability to make goals and achieve them. You just need a really strong belief that you can. Does this come naturally? Not for all of us…most certainly not for me. I’ve worked at it. But now I know better, I now know…when I get a real burning desire for something…I can actually create it.




The most important thing I have discovered is…when I get that feeling of ‘I really want this’ I know it is going to be the next big step in my own personal growth.

 I know it’s going to be good…and fun…and lovely…but I also know it’s going to make me super nervous. But that’s ok…because I now understand it. I know that’s the pattern I must follow.







You need to become like an artist…you need to see your vision in your head first…and feel it in your heart. Feelings are a stronger magnet for manifesting…so practice how you would feel, if this amazing thing was already in your life. Ask yourself the question “What it is that I truly desire in my life. You can’t create it…if you don’t know what it is you want. Be that artist… and begin to create your masterpiece. By seeing clearly what you desire…your brain activates a process of creation towards your vision. (How Awesome Is That!!!)

Think about this

·         What would make me the most happiest…where I am at in my life right now?                   

·         How do I want to feel?

·         What things would I love to be doing…that would make my heart sing?

·         What inspires me?

·         Who am I inspired by…that maybe I could use as a guide post for my own life?

·         What would I love to get up to do each and every day?

·         What am I most passionate about?


Write it out…you can write out a 10 page essay…or in dot form. But by all means…start to get something written down…you will be amazed at how your ideas will grow. How your piece of art will form.

(There are sooo many inspirational women out there doing amazing stuff these days! If your stuck for ideas…seek these women out, and follow what they do.)




When you establish a specific desirable goal, the effort and work you put towards it…will become fun! There is an energy that is activated within you, as your picturing a compelling vision for your life.




A positive attitude goes without saying. And don’t worry if you don’t have a 100% positive attitude at the moment…this is something you can begin to practice. Like anything…you can build this up the same way as you build up any muscle in the body.  Success is achieved and maintained when you try and keep trying with a positive mental attitude.

Here’s some tips:


1.       Read lots of inspiring stuff

2.       Watch upbeat movies

3.       Hang out with people that make you feel good 

4.       Join a local personal development type course  {I've done heaps}

5.       Find some awesome upbeat speakers to go listen to

6.       Create art…or indulge in whatever creative activity you like

7.       Get quiet…meditate, silent walks, or sitting in a quiet place. (This is when you get to hear your gorgeous soul)


Doing the above is where your greatest power lies. Find what makes your own soul sing.


Your are worth it and you deserve to have an absolute awesome life.






Become a master of your attitude…for your attitude shapes your future. (This is a Universal Law)

And the law states…we translate into physical reality the thoughts and attitudes…which we hold in our minds, no matter what they are.

Whatever you’re thinking about the most…translates into your reality. This is why it is important to know what you want. When you know what you want….you’re able to recognize it when it appears in your life. You’re like…”OMG! This is what I have been asking for!” (Excitement!!!)

When you are in this excited state, you are vibrating good feelings…and when you’re vibrating good feelings… you begin to think about what else you would like in your reality. You believe you can do it. You are in such a happy state…and now you begin shooting off more of your desires. And I have to tell you…they’re going to show up a lot quicker, when you’re desiring what you want while in this state.



Go for it...give yourself permission to do it!

And then what you do…is you practice…practice…practice…at getting yourself in this state as often as you can!!!!

Don’t be frightened of your beautiful dreams…you were born to achieve them. I encourage you to take the Leap! 

You can do it!

 Believe in yourself!


Things really can change in your life quite quickly…you just need to find out what it is that would truly light up your heart…and get a Burning Desire For It!!!


I want to inspire you to live a magnificent, glorious, wonderful, exciting, fun-filled life.


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Welcome to Be Magnificently Inspired

Hey!!! Welcome to my first blog post at ‘Be Magnificently Inspired’. I’m Helen…Inspired Spirit Coach, Author, Speaker, Workshop Leader.

If you had of told me years ago, I would be titled with the words…coach, author, speaker, workshop leader, website owner, I would have laughed at you…and then I would have totally freaked out about it!

I was so far from being any of these things. I was the girl  who flunked school...went on the dole and partied hard...and then ended up working in factories as a sewing machinist...ewwww!!!

Until I did a course that taught me how to use...the power of the mind.

This is where I learnt that…as you start to imagine how you want your life to look…and begin to take action towards it…it starts showing up in your life. I began picturing, affirming and taking personal development I could grow into the person I wished to become.

And that is literally what has happened for me…I've grown, and am growing, into the person I want to become.

 As I look back over my life…I am amazed at my life’s transformation.


Snapshot Of My Journey


Someone I adore and follow, the beautiful and inspiring, Leonie Dawson of ( Amazing Biz Amazing Life Academy) recently posed the question…

We all have 100 million gifts inside us. What is your gift? What is your story?

And this was my reply…

“Hey Leonie,

Growing up I was super shy, had no self-confidence and suffered from low self-esteem. I didn’t like who I was, and compared myself to everyone.

It was after I had my first daughter…I decided I needed to change…for her sake.

This was when I began my journey of self-discovery, self-love and self-healing.

You know how it sometimes have to get to your lowest point...before you do something about it.

Now…I help women who are feeling the same as I was. I use my life as an example, to encourage them…give them hope…and inspire them.

My life is exciting, fun and I am happy. Yea sure…I still experience challenges in my life. But I know so many ways to deal with them now…they are always short lived.

I love my life...and I am never bored! There is always something new to watch or to experience.

All those horrible feelings I had about myself…turned out to be my GIFTS!


I have overcome a lot of my hang ups. I know what it’s like to a not so good your life. But…I also know how to overcome it.


Isn't it amazing how all the crap you go through in life…actually becomes your gifts, your purpose!



My Life’s Work

And now…that’s what my life’s work and my passion is about…teaching, sharing, supporting and inspiring, those of you…who are ready to make change in your life.  For those of you, who want to start soaring…who want to be magnificent…who want to feel glorious…to raise your energy…to bring back fun in your life…to dream big…and to remove limiting beliefs.

To be ‘Magnificently Inspired’ about your life!


One of the most important questions you can ask yourself is....

What do I want my life to look like?...

Start to paint the picture of your ideal life.

  • What do you want to do career wise?
  • What is your health like?
  • How much money do you wish to have?
  • How many holidays do you want each year? Where do you holiday?
  • What sort of a home do you live in?
  • What do you want your relationships to be like?
  • What gorgeous family life can you create?
  • What do you do for fun?
  • How do you spiritually fulfill yourself?

Answering questions about how I wanted each area of my life to look...feel...and be...has been one of the major keys to my success.


My hope is that I can be a support to you on your glorious journey…I will be sharing much more of my well as my tips, tools and strategies that I use...and have used to overcome my own limiting beliefs and behaviours.


I want to inspire you to live a magnificent, glorious, wonderful, exciting, fun-filled life.