Sacred Self-Love is about learning to accept and love ourselves as we are
When we can get to a point that we have a deep appreciation for who we are…and accept all parts of ourselves…each day becomes amazing…and life gets better, exciting, do-able.
Why? let go of your inner mean girl...(that self-critical voice inside your head that likes to doubt everything)...allowing compassion, kindness, creativity and greatness to shine through instead.
When we can quieten that voice... that's when the magic begins.
You lose the weight…the money comes…your open to receive your soul mate…you feel confident as a mother… you lose the need for everything to be perfect…your relationships improve…and your negative (self-critical) ways begin to dissolve. You’re not worrying about your future…your trusting in it instead....and you look forward to it.
You actually feel strong and beautiful! (And you are!!! After all…there is no-one else out there…like you!)
As women we long for deep connections and for a place to express ourselves, our thoughts and our feelings…in a nurturing space of non-judgement and safety, where we can be supported, honoured and cared for.
A place where there is no competition…jealousy…or comparisons.
I am totally devoted to holding space for a tribe of women…who are ready to reclaim their spiritual powers and tap into their innate wisdom. To help women…to start really liking themselves…and doing it all in a loving and transformative atmosphere.